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Multifarious Musings
Saturday, February 07, 2004
  Space Missions and Sneakers:

Isn't it just great, "W" is gonna put a space station on the moon, and have a manned exploration of mars, not because it's easy, but because it's hard!!!

I just love to read commentary on "W"'s vision in space exploration, Here's a few of my favorites for today... Dave Barry (I loved his book, Big Trouble - LOL funny stuff!), Wm. Broad, and some more serious words and insights by Yale professor Sabatino Sofia.

I'd like to add my very own insight, with regard to the "W" Mission to Mars...

I was just visiting my nieces' friends house - Now, I live in the frozen north, where once you go into a house, you usually take your shoes off, so not to track any slush onto the carpets.... enaways -

My niece holds up one of her friends shoes and declares "Here's the shoes that I want! - I really need these!!" She's holding a pair of white Etnies, a $50 sneaker (a price that strains my sensibilities - somewhat relevant here, but let's just move on anyways). Now, I look down at the shoes she just took off... White Etnies.

I look at hers again, then her friends again.... Same result.

I believe she at that point, must have seen my bewilderment, so she pointed out this thin band of color around the base of the sole, and the toppled E logo - hers were light blue, her friends - pink.
(Here is a link to the shoe in question - use the links in the upper left to change the colors - as I mentioned earlier, my niece's shoes are light blue/white, not navy/white, so you have to use your imagination here).

So it is With "W" and the space program!!! Don't you see????

Daddy Bush committed the international space station as a launching platform for deep space missions... his mars mission, but I've come to learn that Daddy's just don't know nothin'... so let's just toss that idea out (and to hell with our station committments to the rest of the world) and build us a station on the moon instead!!!

The Hubble Telescope has been making really great science for 14 years now, it's a platform that works - but let's shit-can that also, we need something with prettier (maybe pink?) trim, you know! Besides - to maintain the Hubble requires the space shuttle... and that's old, and sucks also, right???

Why put a machine on mars, when for billions more, we can send a man???

I'm all for the space program, I'd love to see NASA to receive more funding - because great things come from that great program... I just wish we (OK - "W") would allow the people who know the best way to gain the most knowledge using the most cost-effective methods write the game-plan.

I say let's put a man on mars - after we get our shit-together here, on earth!!


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Multifarious Musings... The perfect place to post my personal pondering ... I may not be without error or bias, but - hey, it's my blog, right??? One Guys take on what's happening around him

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