Martin, Moussaoui, Mistakes & Morality Musings
Hi - I'm back!!
So, for some macabre reason, I've become really interested in the drama unfolding at the Moussaoui trial... seems that here's a whole lot of gnashing-of-teeth of late,
because a lawyer for the prosecutor, one Carla Martin, decided to coach some witnesses for the prosecution, I guess in order to create greater impact to the jury, and thereby, hopefully(?) sending Moussaoui to his demise. Problem is... that's against the rules.... ya can't coach the witnesses, I guess.
....sooooo - ya gotta throw those witness testimonies out the window...
I've gathered that there's a whole lot of people who are very pissed at the fact that Ms. Martins' follies may have tainted enough of the prosecutions case, so
that they more than likely
won't be able to kill Moussaoui, but instead just put him in prison for the rest of his (un)natural life... she pulled the plug on old sparky... retracted the needle of death... untied the noose, so to speak. I guess a lot of people want to see this guy dead, eh?
Now, I'm not one whose totally against the death penalty, and I'm
certainly no fan of Moussaoui - I personally think he's a lower life form then pond scum - but that's besides the point. What I
don't understand is - he didn't kill anyone, right? How can a just society like ours... a society that wants the world to look up to it (as far as human rights are concerned) as a shining example - kill someone who only
thought about killing innocents? Am I missing something here???
Hey, there's no doubt in my puny mind that this is one bad dude, who could have very-well created a whole lot of hurt on America and Americans... but he didn't. Geese, can we murder this guy for a crime he may have committed at some time in the future? This to me reads like a really bad out-take from the movie Minority Report!
I digress.
Bottom line - I think in the end, Ms. Martins' follies may have accidentally forced our great nation into doing the right thing in the first place... lets not start killing people for their intentions (Oopsie - too late... but that's another story for another time!), lets save that for the bad guys that actually commit murder for real... lets just put Moussaoui's sorry ass in jail forever, and save the taxpayers a whole lot of money by dropping this death penalty thing!